Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883


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  • What's a good age gap for couples?

    Danny Tyree|Jul 8, 2024

    A recent news development has left some folks scandalized and others envious. (And still others grumbling, “I don’t need no stinking news developments! I’m too busy getting ready to vote!”) I’m speaking of the revelation that former New England Patriots coaching legend Bill Belichick (age 72) is dating 24-year-old beauty pageant contestant Jordon Hudson. (Please hold your fainting spells or “Attaboy!” outbursts until later.) This (and similar situations, including reports that 49-year-old L...

  • Saving local news: why 94 cents isn't enough

    Teri Finneman|Jul 8, 2024

    You likely paid 94 cents for this newspaper. It's not enough. Remember this number: 94 cents. It's the number I'm repeating as I work with your newspaper in the coming months as part of a national experiment to help save local news. That number, 94 cents, is how much it costs you as a subscriber to get this paper every week with your $49 in-state annual subscription. 94 cents. A Twix and a bottle of pop – both machine-produced within seconds – each cost over $2 at a gas station I recently stopped by. Yet this newspaper that took hundreds of hou...

  • Change isn't the enemy. Complacency is.

    Amy Wobbema|Jul 8, 2024

    If you read the above column from Teri Finneman, you're probably wondering why I published it in this newspaper. The answer is simple: while the Foster County Independent is the proving ground for saving local news, the New Rockford Transcript needs a reinvention just as much as the Independent does. Change is not the enemy, complacency is. Something needs to change, and this newspaper’s publisher and staff will not be complacent. As the publisher, I am fully invested in keeping this n...

  • When disaster strikes

    Amy Wobbema|Jul 1, 2024

    For the first time since I've been in business, I had to file an insurance claim. The electricity went out in Carrington during a severe thunderstorm the night of Monday, June 17. When Independent staff came to work Tuesday morning, they discovered that some of our office equipment was not working properly. The main office printer wouldn't turn on, so they made the call to Central Business Systems, the company that maintains our printer. It turns out that the surge protector box had done its job...

  • How air conditioning changed politics and the world

    Tom Purcell|Jul 1, 2024

    Thank God Willis Haviland Carrier invented air conditioning – for the most part. Before air conditioning, the heat drove us outside and brought us together. Friends sought the shade of trees or a refreshing dip in a lake or river. On the hottest nights, whole families brought their blankets and pillows to riverbanks, where it was cool. In the evening, neighbors sat on their large front porches, enjoying a cool breeze as they sipped lemonade and told stories. Even in the 1970s, when I was a kid i...

  • The Declaration of Independence: celebrating and redeeming its solemn promises

    David Adler|Jul 1, 2024

    The Declaration of Independence, which Abraham Lincoln referred to as the “sheet anchor of the Republic,” set forth the proposition, as he said in the Gettysburg Address, that “the United States was conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” The principle of equality, Lincoln admitted, was “aspirational.” Its implementation would await the arrival of America’s maturity, that moment when the societal, cultural and political forces would accept the legalization of racial equality. There was no invisi...

  • Inspirational quotes for the over-50 realist

    Jase Graves|Jun 24, 2024

    Recently, I was getting a haircut and teasing my long-term stylist about the lack of inspirational-quote décor in her salon station compared to the one next to hers. Of course, she knows that teasing her is how I show my love and appreciation to her for not re-sculpting my earlobes with her straight razor or making my hair look like it was styled with a package of firecrackers. Our discussion had us both laughing about how corny and unrealistic some inspirational quotes can seem, especially for those of us who are 50 or older. Take this one,...

  • Readers see newspapers as "all of the above"

    Cecile Wehrman, Exec. Director, ND Newspaper Association|Jun 24, 2024

    With the state primary season concluded, the forms of messaging statewide candidates used leading up to June 11 is curious. Likewise, the steady drumbeat we hear from local and state governments to move public notices to government websites, along with the decisions some state agencies make in bypassing legacy media to publicize state programs. As the executive director of the North Dakota Newspaper Association (NDNA), and also a community newspaper publisher, the requests for free coverage by...

  • D-Day reminder: constitutional principles went to war abroad to preserve them at home

    David Adler|Jun 24, 2024

    The 80th anniversary of D-Day, justly commemorated as history’s greatest military invasion, reminds us of the fact that World War II was waged to defeat the forces of authoritarianism abroad so our constitutional democracy and all that comes with it – freedom, justice and the rule of law – could be preserved at home. When American soldiers stormed the beaches at Normandy on June 6, 1944, they fought for the cherished principles embodied in the Constitution and those trumpeted by the Bill of Rights: limited governmental powers confined by the C...

  • Eagles embody community

    Amy Wobbema|Jun 17, 2024

    “It’s like going to a family reunion where they all actually like you.” “You would never have known it was their first time hosting a convention.” “That is one of the best, most beautiful rooms I’ve ever stayed in. It’s right up there with resorts in big cities.” That’s what members of the Fraternal Order of Eagles had to say about their time in New Rockford and Carrington this past weekend, as New Rockford Aerie 2923 hosted the Dakota State Convention. In total, more than 200 people from across...

  • Rock on, and pass the Tylenol

    Jase Graves|Jun 17, 2024

    Now that two of my daughters are away at college and the one still at home basically views me as an ATM in an unfashionable neighborhood, I’ve tried to find myself a hobby. Since I’m not interested in activities that involve getting out of bed before noon on a Saturday, that pretty much rules out most manly-type-outdoorsy stuff that would require me to sweat profusely in a tent, clean an animal carcass or have one of my friends pluck a tick from a region of my anatomy that I can’t reach. Instead, with the money we have left after paying for c...

  • Under a historic spotlight and demands for recusal, the Supreme Court should embrace transparency

    David Adler|Jun 17, 2024

    Rising concerns about the U.S. Supreme Court’s lack of impartiality amid increasing calls for judicial recusals, reforms and transparency, form a historical backdrop of anxiety as Americans are, once more, bracing themselves for a landmark ruling that will have a direct bearing on the future of our constitutional democracy, the Bill of Rights and the rule of law. In this case, Trump v. United States, the question is whether the president enjoys absolute immunity from criminal prosecution. The Court will render a decision that may determine, a...

  • Your vote is your voice

    Amy Wobbema|Jun 10, 2024

    This primary season has been quite the experience. On one hand, it’s positive to see so many North Dakotans interested in running for political office. We’re seeing primary challenges in both state and local government races, which means voters have choices in who they want to represent them over the next few years. On the other hand, more candidates means more political advertising. Citizens have started write-in campaigns, and announced their candidacy in newspapers, radio, TV and all ove...

  • Letter to the Editor: Agriculture and Energy leaders endorse Julie Fedorchak for the U.S. House

    Jun 10, 2024

    Agriculture and energy are the cornerstones of North Dakota’s economy. Not only do we feed and fuel the world, but we also provide thousands of good jobs and billions in federal, state and local tax revenue. Those taxes paid fund schools, roads, flood protection and social services across our great state. Virtually every corner of the state and every person living in North Dakota benefits from agriculture and energy production. The food and energy we produce are also among the cleanest, most environmentally-friendly of any in the world. We t...

  • Letter to the Editor: Follow the money

    Dean Wallace|Jun 10, 2024

    I encourage all voters to do what I did – see who is funding their local candidates. I searched for our incumbent legislators – Sen. Jerry Klein, Reps. Robin Wesiz and Jon Nelson. I expected to see some listed contributions from small towns across my district, like Fessenden, Harvey, Rugby, New Rockford, Maddock and elsewhere. Honestly, I was shocked by what I found. There was nothing of the sort. Over 80 percent of the money funding their campaigns were from lobbyists PACs, special interest funds, former and current elected officials and pol...

  • Letter to the Editor: Vote for Jon Nelson

    Dave Krabbenhoft|Jun 10, 2024

    District 14 Voters, I am writing to encourage the voters of District 14 to reelect Jon Nelson to the North Dakota House of Representatives. Jon is unwavering in his commitment to improving the lives of not only the people of District 14, but of all North Dakotans. As chairman of the House Appropriations – Human Resources Division, Jon has been instrumental in crafting essential services that impact the lives of most every citizen of our state. Having had the privilege of working with Jon in an official capacity for the past 20 years, I have w...

  • Letter to the Editor: Vote for Klein, Nelson & Weisz

    Jeff Schafer|Jun 10, 2024

    Please join me in voting for Senator Jerry Klein, Representative Jon Nelson and Representative Robin Weisz on June 11. These three proven, conservative leaders have earned another term in the legislature. Over their years of public service, their e-mail has always been open and a response from them will follow. I’ve personally seen them at work. Their creditability, respect and dedication to representing our small rural communities have spoken volumes about where their values are. We don’t need a scorecard skewed to favor a candidate to tel...

  • Letter to the Editor: North Dakota needs Senator Klein

    Janne Myrdal|Jun 10, 2024

    It is truly difficult to explain how important Senator Jerry Klein’s service in the North Dakota Senate is to our state and beyond. I’ve had the privilege of serving in the Senate with him since 2016, but I have known him since 2006, when I was a Pro Life and Pro Family volunteer lobbyist. If it was not for his leadership, institutional knowledge, and unwavering Pro Life values, I do not think North Dakota would be where we are today. Between protecting life, families and marriage, his strong faith and convictions for what is right for Nor...

  • The relay of life

    Kyrie Dauenhauer|Jun 3, 2024

    Over May 23-25, I attended my third North Dakota State Track and Field Meet for the New Rockford Transcript as a photographer. The first state track meet I ever covered was the year my step-brother, Kaden Jensen, was a senior. This was the first time Kaden had ever competed at the state level as well. Kaden made the podium for three-of-four events that year. In his individual events, he took second place in long jump, seventh place in high jump and ninth place in triple jump. He also ran as the...

  • The court's commitment to equal protection became real and urgent in Brown, 70 years ago

    David Adler|Jun 3, 2024

    On May 17, 1954 – 70 years ago this week – the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a landmark ruling in Brown v. Bd. of Education, that marked its historic first full step toward securing the nation’s commitment to equal protection of the law for all Americans. As Justice Stanley Reed, a southerner from Kentucky who made the courageous decision to reject his region’s sentiments on race to form the Court’s unanimous 9-0 ruling, told one of his law clerks, “if it was not the most important decision in the history of the Court, it was very close.” In...

  • Memories of my free-range childhood

    Tom Purcell|Jun 3, 2024

    It was the first time in my childhood I had an excuse for coming home late for dinner, but nobody – not even the cops – would listen. In the summer of 1972, when I was 10, Tommy Gillen and I built a dam in the creek on the other side of the Horning Road railroad tunnel. We'd been building up the dam for days to create our own three-foot pool in which we chased after crayfish and minnows – our own cool spot to while away the hot summer afternoons. We'd just completed adding another row of blocks...

  • Sweet summer shift work

    Amy Wobbema|May 27, 2024

    GUARDS NEEDED! We are at crunch time!! We are in need of SEVERAL more guards!!! Accepting full- and part-time applicants, hours are flexible! Teenagers, the Carrington Community Pool needs your help! This is my third summer as publisher of the Independent, and I’ve seen a similar scene play out every year. There are also some open coaching positions in New Rockford, and seemingly every local business needs one, a few or many workers to fill their roster. The popular job site,, c...

  • Letter to the editor: One in the hand is better than two in the bush

    Pat Tracy|May 27, 2024

    Be sure to vote in the North Dakota Primary on June 11. On June 11, I will be voting for Senator Jerry Klein and Representatives Jon Nelson and Robin Weisz. I was privileged to be part of the Heart of America Medical Center board of directors with Jon Nelson and was also appointed to a statewide emergency medical services (EMS) committee with Robin Weisz. I have also worked alongside Jerry Klein for many years. These three current legislators have had an enormous impact on rural EMS and rural healthcare. They all have been recognized by the Nor...

  • Letter to the Editor - Doing it right: the Wells & Eddy County Wind Project Initiative

    Paul White|May 27, 2024

    I’m writing as president of PRC Wind, a pioneering wind energy company that specializes in partnering with communities that want to host wind energy projects. I’m writing to congratulate Wells and Eddy County residents on their amazing progress exploring wind energy over the past 15-plus years. This community had a hunch, and attacked the simple question: “Can a wind energy project benefit their community?” They did the hard work to engage residents and leaders across the area to find answers. Ultimately, the community formed W-E Wind in 2009,...

  • Letter to the Editor: Letter in support of Representative Jon Nelson

    Arnie Strebe|May 20, 2024

    I recently left the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services where I proudly served as the Chief Financial Officer for four years. I had the honor and privilege to serve with some phenomenal state employees and state legislators. One of the best of the best is Jon Nelson, a representative from the remarkable city of Rugby. Hailing from Surrey, North Dakota, I recall fondly driving through town as a child and always stopping at the café at the heart of North Dakota. Their chili, apple pie and ice cream were a delight. Having served...

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