Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Articles written by billy holland

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  • Living on Purpose: Those who have an ear let them hear

    Billy Holland|Feb 28, 2022

    One of the greatest mysteries is the perplexing relationship between God and humans. I cannot think of a more glorious yet frustrating subject. Especially when it comes to people trying to find answers when all they have is questions. I’ve counseled and given psychological first aid to those who have gone through a traumatic crisis and I’ve listened to people in hospital waiting rooms repeat that age-old question, “Why is this happening?” They cry and beg, but many times they cannot hear a...

  • Living on Purpose: A perfect time to begin brand new

    Billy Holland|Jan 3, 2022

    The New Year is here and I’m excited to see what 2022 has for us! My hope is this coming year will be a season of abundance, not just with material prosperity and success, but of love, health, and spiritual awareness. As we plant seeds of faith, may we have the patience and expectation to witness the harvest of God’s blessings. One of my personal resolutions is to be more generous and joyful even when things are not going well. I’m reminded of a quote by Mother Teresa who said, “Not all of us c...

  • Living on Purpose: Desiring God more than anything in the world

    Billy Holland|Dec 6, 2021

    For those who ponder about the requirements for developing and maintaining a deeper relationship with God, we must include some vital components, and one of the most critical is desire. Ask any business person or athlete about what it takes to accomplish a goal and they will always testify about the importance of vision, perseverance, and determination. Likewise, when it comes to drawing nearer to the Lord, we must begin with old-fashioned enthusiasm. The next question is where does this...

  • Living on Purpose: The unthankful heart overlooks life's blessings

    Billy Holland|Nov 29, 2021

    I’ve always enjoyed Thanksgiving, but many times I become distracted from the intended purpose. I confess that between football, conversations, and the delicious meals, I often forget how much I have to be grateful for. Let us once again be reminded of the history of human suffering that is associated with the Pilgrims. It’s been recorded that the new colony gave thanks to God for His blessings and protection, as William Bradford is quoted as saying, “Being thus arrived in a good harbor, and b...

  • Living on Purpose: Wherever you are God is with you

    Billy Holland|Oct 25, 2021

    For those who try to live for the Lord and want to please Him, I’m sure you know what I mean when I say there are times when the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. When it comes to maintaining a red-hot enthusiasm for the Christian life, we are not robots, but rather we are emotional humans who have good days along with other times that are clouded with feelings of melancholy. It does the heart good to quietly sit alone as we search within our soul trying to figure out what is wrong. I...

  • Living on Purpose: Choosing to become more aware of God

    Billy Holland|Oct 11, 2021

    The Bible refers to a joy that is unspeakable and full of glory, but what does this mean? I believe one answer would be the contentment of the conscience for those who know God and have decided to live in the awareness of His presence. How can we do this? We can train our minds to think about God the same as we learn and become skilled to do anything else. Repetition and commitment are the building blocks of being proficient and in the Christian faith, self-discipline is the path to spiritual...

  • Living on Purpose: Placing our hope and trust in God alone

    Billy Holland|Oct 4, 2021

    Hope is one of those dynamic words that deserves the title of catalyst when it comes to change. It is a spiritual attribute that God’s people should use regularly as it is filled with life, excitement, and positive energy. Your first reaction to the idea of hope may be one of skepticism because you are thinking, it’s easy for someone to talk about hope when they do not understand what a terrible condition my life is in. Well, I may not have walked in your shoes, but I know that being neg...

  • Living on Purpose: Becoming what Christ died for us to be

    Billy Holland|Sep 20, 2021

    The idea of not being spiritually prepared to trust Christ because of a lack of interest is like being told that you have been scheduled to box a champion fighter this coming Friday night, even though you have no boxing experience, and are in terrible physical condition. It’s too late to start training and you will easily be knocked out with one punch. Another scenario would be that you have been given one week to compete in a body-building contest against other contenders that have been l...

  • God is near, and He is listening

    Billy Holland|Sep 6, 2021

    Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and He desires to spend quiet time with us. Our heavenly Father beckons us to draw near to Him, as He longs to be with His children. As we go about our busy day, many times we do not realize His presence but nevertheless, He is there. May we listen with our ears, watch with our eyes, and be aware of our thoughts, as God is always trying to communicate with us. The Lord of compassion gives us breath, and every heartbeat as a gift of His endless mercy and grace. He...

  • Our blueprint, compass and instruction manual

    Billy Holland|Aug 2, 2021

    When it comes to finding our place in this world, let’s consider two categories. The first one let’s call, floating down the river. Imagine someone napping in a small boat without a compass or a paddle and not caring about where they are going. Having a spectator mentality, they have no map or intentional direction, but rather are just hoping for the best. It’s also common for these individuals to throw pity parties from time to time, as their happy-go-lucky lifestyle includes serious disappoint...

  • At his voice, the stomp's became a whisper

    Billy Holland|Jul 26, 2021

    I spend a lot of time writing, and I try to present a balance of optimism and reality. This is becoming more difficult as we are constantly bombarded with so many things we do not understand. Even more disturbing is to consider how much negativity is going on that we are not aware of. I’m not implying that we anticipate evil behind every bush or under every rock, but my convictions accept our need to pray for spiritual discernment. I’ve had conversations with individuals who believe that mor...

  • Learning to see through our spiritual eyes

    Billy Holland|Jul 19, 2021

    The life of David in the Bible is one of the more popular stories in the Christian faith. Of all the individuals other than Christ, I would guess there have been more messages about him than any other character within the word of God. There is a huge difference between the way we observe and judge with our natural senses, and the way God perceives everything through His perfect spiritual wisdom, and the key to our success is learning to see as God sees. We begin our story in I Samuel, where Samu...

  • Forever an optimist in an imperfect world

    Billy Holland|Jul 12, 2021

    I watch my little grandson, who is almost three years old, and it’s amazing how fast he is learning about life. He’s happy when he has his way, but when he’s told no or stop, he bows his head and sticks out his lower lip. How many of us are like this? Ha! All of us! I often think about the many situations and experiences this little fellow will face in his journey, and how he will eventually learn there is more to life than watching cartoons and playing with toys. There will be times when he wil...

  • How much does God love you?

    Billy Holland|Jul 5, 2021

    As our spiritual values become more centered on God, it’s normal to start looking forward to our eternal existence. For those who are in Christ, how exciting it is to know that our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus, our loved ones, our new name, our glorified body, inheritance, citizenship, and crowns and rewards are all a part of our glorious future. We are briefly passing through this world, and the only thing we will take with us when we depart is an account of how we lived and loved. How w...

  • Living on Purpose: The relentless compassion of God

    Billy Holland|May 24, 2021

    I notice, when talking with certain people about Christian living, it’s common for them to lose eye contact as they start searching for a way to change the subject. Actually, this is perfectly understandable. Why? Because if someone, even if they are somewhat religious, has never given their heart to Jesus Christ or made the commitment to follow him, they feel uncomfortable thinking and talking about it. Our natural mind and the Spirit of the Lord are like oil and water, as the old nature wants...

  • Living on Purpose: Resist the devil and he will flee

    Billy Holland|Feb 22, 2021

    Someone sent me a text the other day about all the trash talking during the Super Bowl and how it seemed to bother some of the players. As a sports fan, I’ve watched the power of words throughout the years and remember that Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan just to name a couple of athletes, also used this tactic to intimidate and frustrate the opposition. The idea is to lure someone you are battling against into listening to what you are saying in order to distract and confuse them. This a...

  • Living on Purpose: Embracing hope

    Billy Holland|Jan 4, 2021

    I hope that everyone had an enjoyable holiday, but I must admit that it did not seem like a normal Christmas. Yes, we sent out cards and decorated the tree, but there was something strange about the atmosphere. The signs of the virus are everywhere, and I cannot help but think about how many families have been impacted by it. Some of you may have missed seeing your loved ones because it was not safe for them to travel. My wife and I know how you feel. Others of you might have canceled your...

  • Living on Purpose: Who does God want to be President?

    Billy Holland|Nov 2, 2020

    This year has passed by quickly, and now the election is just a few days away. For those who read this column, I’m sure you have noticed that I rarely talk about politics or social issues. Of course, I have my thoughts like everyone else, but to be honest I avoid these controversial areas intentionally. My focus is more about the Lord and the Christian life. Nonetheless, I believe we can agree that America needs leaders who are honest and who demonstrate the nature and character of God. We a...

  • Living on Purpose: Surrendering our will in order to do His

    Billy Holland|Oct 5, 2020

    When God taps us on the shoulder and introduces Himself, we are faced with a decision to either listen, or excuse ourselves and walk away. Some individuals when convicted with this holy invitation will accept His love and are filled with joy as they proceed into an exciting life-changing journey of faith and hope. Others are confident in their abilities and intelligence to steer their own vessel and perceive the concept of allowing Jesus to come in and take over, as not exactly what they had in...

  • Living on Purpose: Prayers and appreciation for first responders

    Billy Holland|Aug 3, 2020

    Someone mentioned the other day about how after pouring out some heated frustrations on one of their Facebook sessions, they had a headache and was terribly depressed. For those who read this column regularly, you know I do not talk a lot about politics or social issues. I just feel we already have all the arguments and opinions we need and besides, I’m more into sharing about how God so loved the world that He gave His only son so that whoever would believe in Him would not perish but have e...

  • Living on Purpose: The constant need for spiritual discernment

    Billy Holland|Jul 27, 2020

    Within the Christian life, there are many pillars of truth which are critical to our spiritual development and one of these is discernment. The word may have several meanings, but mostly it's associated with having spiritual sensitivity. Within the Biblical view it is used to identify whether something is good or evil and being able to interpret and understand God's voice. You see, we cannot hear what he is saying if we are not walking close to him or even aware of his presence. It's elementary...

  • On Purpose: Our grass is greener than we think

    Billy Holland|Jul 13, 2020

    I really appreciate readers who send me emails and even hand-written letters, they are truly an encouragement. Actually, I received a wonderful letter the other day by a gentleman from South Carolina who had recently lost his wife and he said one of these columns touched him deeply. My topic was about how God’s eye is always on the sparrow, and this reminded him of a precious memory that he and his wife had experienced many years ago. He sent along some photos and it was just a very kind e...

  • Living on Purpose

    Billy Holland|Jul 6, 2020

    And I know He watches me I was working out in the yard the other day and a tiny sparrow landed on the ground just a few feet from me. I watched as it moved its head around and then flew off with lightning speed. I was reminded of the passage in Matthew chapter ten which states that God keeps His eye on every sparrow and how He watches us even more closely. What a comfort to know that wherever we are or what experiences we are going through, we can rest assured that He is attentively observing ev...

  • Living on Purpose: The victorious spirituall life

    Dr. Billy Holland|Jun 1, 2020

    If our mind is filled with a world of thoughts that are contrary or even dishonorable to God, how can there be room for us to concentrate on His goodness, peace, and hope? When Mary was about to give birth and there was no room in the Inn, God was also allowing us to see that many people in this world have no room in their life for Jesus. Their heart and mind is filled with carnality, selfishness, arrogance, and negative influences. This is why the enemy of our soul has created many obstacles an...

  • Living on Purpose: Keep your face to the sun

    Dr. Billy Holland|Mar 9, 2020

    We all have problems occasionally and there are times when we feel like we’ve been punched in the gut. I felt like this a couple of months ago when one morning I went into my office to start the day and my computer would not wake up. I realize hard drive failures are not the worst things that could happen. For someone who writes several hours a day, it’s discouraging to say the least. In the big picture of crisis issues, this is actually pretty far down the list. As I grow older, I want to be...

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