Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Articles written by Amy Wobbema & Rachel Brazil

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 13 of 13

  • Classic Car Show

    Amy Wobbema and Rachel Brazil|Jun 22, 2020

    Ron Lende invited area car enthusiasts from the Lake Region Classic Cruisers Car Club to his Cities Service Station in downtown New Rockford. The result was the largest car show New Rockford has seen in years, with nearly 70 cars taking to the streets. When they arrived in town around 5 p.m. Saturday, they entered downtown onto 7th Street, turning from 1st Avenue North. The parade of cars took their time filing in and finding parking spots. It seemed that nearly everyone in attendance found a...

  • DPRCA Presents Songs on Central

    Amy Wobbema and Rachel Brazil|Jun 22, 2020

    The Dakota Prairie Regional Center for the Arts may be experiencing a brief intermission in terms of their now-canceled summer show. However, that does stop this creative bunch from saying that famous phrase, "The show must go on." Artistic Director Elliott Schwab and Assistant Director Erin Greiner found an wave of inspiration after seeing how the people of Italy would sing from their balconies during the coronavirus quarantine. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to invite the area's vocal...

  • Youth Risk Behavioral Survey results provide insight into student trends

    Amy Wobbema and Rachel Brazil|Mar 2, 2020

    In the spring of 2018, "Transcript" reporters Amy Wobbema and Rachel Brazil teamed up to write a series on the difficult topics of youth suicide and bullying. The series was in direct response to the results of the Youth Risk Behavioral Survey (YRBS) taken by students grades 7-12 at New Rockford-Sheyenne School (NR-S) in 2017. The YRBS is administrated to students every two years and has become imperative for tracking changes in youth behavior, developing risk prevention and health promotion...

  • Summer opening at Eddy County Museum depends on repairs to Stavanger Church

    Amy Wobbema and Rachel Brazil|Feb 17, 2020

    The Eddy County Museum and Historical Society is in need of financial donations in order to open the Stavanger Church building to the public this summer. Last October the "Transcript" reported on repairs to the historic church building. At the time, the Eddy County Historical Society had effectively raised the $11,000 needed to replace the roof. It was a years-long process that culminated when local contractor Dean Wallace completed the work. Also during this time, Historical Society members dis...

  • Local bison ranchers face flooding and freezing head on

    Amy Wobbema and Rachel Brazil|Nov 18, 2019

    There is no doubt about it, ranching is an unpredictable way of life. Regardless of wind, rain, blizzard, drought or flood the animals have to be cared for and the crops need to be managed. This year's heavy fall rains followed by the early October blizzard has left farmers and ranchers across the state in a tough situation. As the weeks pass by it has become quite clear that area farmers and ranchers are tougher than anything that has been thrown their way. Among the tireless efforts to face...


    Amy Wobbema and Rachel Brazil|Oct 21, 2019

    An early October blizzard brought much of North Dakota to a screeching halt last weekend. Light rains began as early as Wednesday, turning to snow by Thursday. Area schools released classes early and folks made that much needed trip to the grocery store. Then just when it seemed that the snow was letting up, winds came in full force, pushing the heavy white stuff into towering drifts. With roads impassable and activities cancelled, most folks opted to spend Friday and much of Saturday morning...

  • Full steam ahead: Learning opportunities for all at annual steam threshers reunion

    Amy Wobbema and Rachel Brazil|Sep 30, 2019

    Even though heavy rain on Friday night put a kibosh to the traditional weekend parades and threshing demonstrations, there were still plenty of learning opportunities to be had at the 61st Annual Central North Dakota Steam Threshers Reunion last weekend. Over 200 students from area schools walked the grounds on Friday, known as Education Day. There they got to see the steamers up close and spent time among the seven historic buildings in Pioneer Village....

  • Archers take aim at state

    Amy Wobbema and Rachel Brazil|Apr 1, 2019

    The New Rockford Sheyenne archery team received a lively send off from their classmates and teachers on Friday, March 22 as they departed for the state archery competition in Minot. This in the third year that NR-S has participated in the National Archery School Program (NASP), and for many students it is their third year attending the state tournament. Since January, the students have been practicing and developing their skills and have competed at school tournaments at Medina,...

  • When today's gifts become tomorrow's legacy

    Amy Wobbema and Rachel Brazil|Mar 4, 2019

    New Rockford Community Foundation advisory committee kicks off fundraising campaign to grow permanent endowment fund Charitable giving is an important way small and rural communities like New Rockford thrive, and we all know how it works. Typically, donations make a straight line from the donor to the recipient. When most people make a donation, they find pride in knowing exactly what that money will be going towards, and how it will be used. The donation itself is then spent within a short...

  • Sounds of the season at NR-S Christmas Concert

    Amy Wobbema and Rachel Brazil|Dec 17, 2018

    On Thursday, Dec. 6 the New Rockford-Sheyenne Music Department presented its annual Christmas concert. Director Annette Hovey was accompanied by Heather Klocke. This photo story offers all the highlights from the 90-minute musical extravaganza!...

  • New Rockford ambulance contracts with Bismarck company to fill vacancy

    Amy Wobbema and Rachel Brazil|Dec 3, 2018

    There are new faces at the Community Ambulance Service of New Rockford (CASNR), and there maybe more in the future. At the beginning of November, the CASNR board of directors was faced with filling another opening with the resignation from Tim Schmeets, who had served as the manager for little over a year. CASNR President Sandy O'Connor knew Ken Rensch, owner and operator of Ambulance Resources, LLC, an ambulance management company based in Bismarck, N.D. that assists rural ambulance services,...

  • Early intervention, compassion and kindness are keys to bullying prevention

    Amy Wobbema and Rachel Brazil|May 14, 2018

    Last week, we featured a story by New Rockford-Sheyenne (NR-S) sixth grader Lora Wobbema. Wobbema was so inspired by the motivations of The Kindness Club that she wanted to write about the steps students are taking to stand up to bullying in our community. When it comes to bullying prevention, these students are on the right track. They are encouraging positive, proactive solutions, and the message is for all students, not just the ones labeled the "bullies" or "victims."  Early, positive i...

  • Survey offers insight on teen challenges

    Amy Wobbema and Rachel Brazil|Mar 26, 2018

    New Rockford-Sheyenne (NR-S) students in grades 7 to 12 completed the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) last spring, and the local and statewide results were released at an NR-S School Board meeting recently. As illustrated in the graphs below, there are some themes of which administration and staff have taken notice. The YRBS was introduced by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1991 and has been administered every other year to both junior high and high school students...

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