Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Circle Trail Riders complete Ride #49

It's Thursday evening, June 17, the year is 2021, and yet another campsite is shaping up at Hendrickson Park and Rodeo Grounds near the little hamlet of Sheyenne in Eddy County, North Dakota. The Circle Trail Riders Inc. will be embarking on their 49th Annual Summer Ride in the morning on Friday, June 18.

Friday - day one. "Good morning riders," sun was up, big and bright. No bugs, not even a pesky mosquito due to our hot and dry weather. The atmosphere was cheery with the hustle and bustle of getting ready for a day on the trail.

Some 51 moms, dads, kids, gramps, grams, cousins, brothers and sisters, families and friends of all ages, shapes and forms, including four teamsters and wagons, their passengers, and horseback riders were ready and chomping at the bit to get going.

At 10:30 a.m., it was "Wagons Ho!" as President Cory Jorgensen's wagon and team, Waylon and Willie; Dale Rosenberg's wagon and team, Doll and Queen; Bill Ziegler's wagon and team, Ben and Bud; and Ervin Longnecker's wagon and team, Bud and Beauty, started down the trail. Bob Longnecker was driving with a passel of youngsters trying to earn their teamsters license. Wagons left one after the other, followed by the riders. Ervin was and is missed. Many memories were shared.

The riders traveled 13 miles Friday on trails in pastures, prairie and rural roads, seeing cattle and a wildflower here and there. Just enjoying the great North Dakota outdoors, riding side by side, shootin' the breeze, making memories and new friendships.

With the blink of an eye, the next thing we know it is Saturday, day two. A little rain shower - RAIN? What's that? Then ole Sol showed his face and Mother Nature threw in a cool breeze as nearly 80 trail riders left camp following trail guide Brent Helseth.

The wagons were loaded to the hilt as they made their way through some rough terrain giving the teams some challenging pulls. It was a long, fun day as some 16 miles were logged. Back in camp a little after 5 p.m. Time for relaxing before supper.

A banquet of food was again enjoyed at the potluck supper. If anyone went hungry it was their own fault. Also enjoyed were root beer floats, compliments of Bob and Sheryl Longnecker and family. And, hearing the music of our own Rob and Margie Lies drift across camp is always relaxing. They never disappoint us.

Following supper, President Cory Jorgensen asked for a moment of silence out of respect and in memory of members recently gone to that big trail ride in the sky, Ervin Longnecker, Beaty Engels, Ed Weisenburger and Lori Himmelberger. Each has left us with many memories of their lives in the history of Circle Trail Riders Inc.

Here it comes. With the help of Secretary Charlotte Koepplin, the 2020 Annual Awards were presented. Sandy Settelmeyer was surprised to get the prestigious Horses Rear Award. The Special Recognition Award was proudly given to Nancy Ludwig. Bob Longnecker, Katie Jorgensen, Gary Jorgensen and Billy Jorgensen accepted their 2020 Teamsters License.

Keeping the fun going, camp prize drawings were about to happen, finding some 30 happy winners of curry brushes and combs, bandanas, hoof picks, halters, buckets, hay bags, saddle bags, a camp chair, lead ropes, horse treats, a chair cushion, lantern and a saddle blanket/rug.

At this point, President Cory thanked all for coming and then we were into the annual fundraiser raffle held in conjunction with this 2021 trail ride. The happy winner of the western accessories was Cory (bridle and reins donated by Weaver Co., saddle pad), as his daughter drew his name from the bucket. Griddle/grill winner was Kenneth Hellerud of Maddock. The Henry .22 rifle went to Zachary Johnson of Minnewaukan, and the huge quilt went to John Topp of Fargo.

Ticket stubs showed folks in 30 North Dakota towns and seven different states had purchased tickets that helped our 2021 fundraiser be a success.

And after all this excitement, there's one day of the summer ride left.

Sunday - day three. So be it, Sunday arrived. Weekend was not over yet. A couple of teams hooked up and several riders left camp for a leisurely countryside ride. Cool air Ah-Ah-Ah! Too soon back in camp. Fun done. Memories made. Homeward bound. Bye! Happy trails until next time...

Fall Ride is set for Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 11-12, 2021, at hosts Brent and Jenna Helseth. Ervin's team is still in our trail ride family, as they have a new home with Brent, Jenna and family.

More trail ride pictures can be viewed through Facebook group - Circle Trail Riders New Rockford.