Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Area students graduate from NDSU

There were 11 area students among the 1,810 who graduated from North Dakota State University in the spring 2018 semester. An asterisk indicates students who graduated with honors. A student must earn a 3.5 grade point average or higher to graduate with honors.

Carrington: Bradly Lende, PHARMD, Pharmacy; Audra Montgomery, BS, Agricultural Education; Devin Scheen, BS, Agricultural Systems Management; Becca Scherr, BSN, Nursing.

Fessenden: Brock Hagemeister, BS, Agricultural Economics.

New Rockford: Marissa Arroyo, BS, Interior Design; *Bret Carlson, BS, Pharmaceutical Sciences; *Lexie Weber, BS, Management.

Sheyenne: Chandy Howard, BS, Animal Science.

Sykeston: Shanley Seil, BS, Dietetics.

Tolna: Shelby Gillett, PHARMD, Pharmacy.