Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

County Commission hears of County Road 16 culvert issues

Doug Skadburg and Chris Skadburg informed the commissioners about Oak Creek and culvert problems on County Road 16 at their meeting on February 8. The state water board shows that the culverts are a little lower than the elevation of the spillway, so the water is forced to build up. It’s an assessed drain. As soon as it goes down, they open the gates and the water spreads out and doesn’t go anywhere.

The Skadburgs have met with the water board regarding this issue, which they clarified is a different issue than the complaint they filed about the dam in December of 2013. For this issue, Skadburg thinks they need two more four-foot culverts at a different level. These were installed in the ‘60s, and the water needs have changed since that time. The issue is only getting worse.

The commissioners made note that the Water Board meeting was scheduled for Friday, Feb. 9 at 10 a.m., and one or more of the commissioners planned to attend.

In other road matters, Randy Hoovestol with RDO Equipment presented a quote of $25,250 for a new 2018 Handy Hitch Grader/Roller, which Hoovestol said would be installed and ready to roll. This is a piece of equipment that is mounted to a grader and provides continuous compaction that ensures a smooth, uniform driving surface. Commissioners inquired whether they could put hitches on the all the graders and use the roller interchangeably or if they would need to use one grader for all the rolling and packing. It will take 4-6 weeks to receive one.

Eddy County was denied the Court Facilities Improvement Grant this year due to a lack of funds. When Eddy County Patti Hilbert researched the results, she found that when it was realized how many requests there were, the state made the decision that they would prioritize court security requests. Eddy County’s grant request was not a court security request.

After discussing the Tri-County Social Service special meeting, the commissioners passed a motion expressing their support of the formation of an Eddy-Foster-Wells Social Services District. The concept of a district has been one that has been discussed under several Social Service Directors. Commissioner Glenda Collier made the comment that it would be advantageous to have one policy handbook, rather than the four that they currently have to work with.  

Eddy County Extension Agent Tim Becker informed the commissioners that his appraisal will be held at 9 a.m. on February 23 and that NDSU does like to have a county commissioner present. Becker told the commissioners that it would be a good opportunity to ask any questions that they have regarding recent budget changes, that are still in process. NDSU is currently paying 50/50 of county Extension employees and are paying all their benefits. They would like to switch to 60/40,with the counties paying 60 percent. With Extension expenses being 90 percent salaries, budget cut,generally mean a loss of jobs. The research centers have taken close to a 26 percent cut. Becker says the cuts have been huge across the board.

Becker also inquired about a township officers meeting and if the commissioners had ideas for programming or speakers for the meeting. There was a suggestion that the treasurer attend and explain the new early notifications that are required to be sent out early this year with a tax estimate.

The Extension Service is now running its third Succession Planning program for about 13 families. Eddy and Foster counties will also be doing Pesticide Certifications for 130-140 farmers.

The commissioners approved the motion to purchase the Handy Hitch Grader/Roller and Hoovestol will draw up a purchase order. The Walk and Roll brand they had been researching would cost $31,000 and the county would have to have it installed.

Eddy County Auditor Patty Williams said she was preparing for the 2018 election. The Primary will be held June 12. The General election will be held Nov. 6. The deadline to file petitions for election is Monday, April 9, 2018 at 4 p.m.

Every candidate for elective office must file a Statement of Interests form with the applicable filing officer at the same time he or she files his or her Petition/Certificate of Nomination or Certificate of Endorsement. With the exception of city commission, school board, and township candidates, all other candidates must also file an Affidavit of Candidacy.

Signatures Needed for Petitions: Auditor—20, Commissioner—22, County Recorder/Clerk of Court—20; Sheriff—22 signatures; State’s Attorney—19,Treasurer—22 signatures.

Several items of new business were also discussed:

 • Commissioners approved the local permit for the New Rockford Area Betterment Corporation Raffle.

 • The commission received a letter from the NDDOT informing them that the NDDOT has received permission to extend the inspection cycle from 24 months to 48 months for reinforced concrete box culverts. The culverts must be at least 3 years old, be in satisfactory condition, and not deficient to qualify. They say the condition of concrete box culverts deteriorates very slowly so they would like to spend the field inspection time on the structures that have the most chance of having the condition change during the inspection cycle.

 • The commissioners reviewed changes that will be made to the employee handbook.

 • Commissioners reviewed the year end report of the Stutsman County Narcotics Task Force, which is a multi-jurisdictional and multi-agency task force covering the counties of Stutsman, Barnes, LaMoure, Eddy and Foster.

The next meeting of the Eddy County Commission is on Tuesday, Feb. 20 at 9 a.m.