Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie: April 1, 2024

Margie Anderson enjoyed a visit with Wade Williams Sunday at the Glenn and Judy Cudworth home.

Friday visitors bearing get well wishes and goodies at the Charlotte Koepplin home were Sandy Koepplin and Gina Clifton. Evening visitor was Katie Jorgensen.

On Monday, March 19 Charlotte Koepplin was about to call Jerry and Carol Clancy of Thompson and wished them a happy anniversary. Charlotte's phone rang and here it was Carol calling checking on her. They had a visit about the good old days of country school in Brantford, N.D.

Jimmy Indergaard was a Wednesday supper guest and visitor at the Mervin Indergaard home.

Laura Hager brought homemade bean soup and Gary and Kathy Anderson brought barbecue all to share for supper at the Margie Anderson home one evening.

Wednesday morning, brief stopper at the Charlotte Koepplin home was Aaron Koepplin. Afternoon visitor bringing fresh strawberries was Dianne Allmaras.

Todd and Karen Koepplin drove Charlotte Koepplin to Carrington Monday, where she had a medical appointment after which they did a bit of shopping and enjoyed dinner at the Prairie Inn.

Wednesday, Jimmy Indergaard enjoyed a phone call and visit from his sister Sharon Laxdal of Edinburg.