Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Sermonette: It is finished and new life has begun

Jesus said, “It is finished.” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

– John 19:30

Now, if this is where our story stopped, we would not be living as people of the resurrection. We would be stunted at the crossroads, having no clue where to go and what to do. We would not know who we are or where we were going. But thanks be to God, that is not where our story ends, that is just the beginning. God does something miraculous through Jesus Christ, so we are able to shout with joy-filled hearts on Easter Sunday, "CHRIST IS RISEN!"

He is not here; for he has been raised.

– Matthew 28:6

This is what we proclaim on Easter Sunday and every day following, because of God's greatest promise, that he is not dead, but is alive! And through Christ's life, death and resurrection we are granted, as we read in John’s gospel, grace upon grace. We see in the resurrection that grace is not enough for God, but that he lavishes a whole other level on his beloved ones – grace upon grace! That is who our God is. Through his never failing, never giving up, unparalleled love, we are set free to be people of the resurrection, fully forgiven and covered by grace. We are a resurrection people, called to embody the hope and promise of new life in Christ.

In the quiet beauty of our North Dakota plains, we get a glimpse of this new life every spring as we watch the budding trees and fields awakening from their winter slumber. Every year, we are blessed to watch the very real cyclical nature of life and the ever-present hand of God at work in death and resurrection. Easter, then, is a wide and wild invitation to look beyond the surface of things, to see the seeds of resurrection about to spring forward everywhere.

On Easter morning, may the joy of the resurrection fill your heart and homes with light and peace. And may we, as a resurrection people, continue to shine brightly as reflections of God's love in our homes, our community and our world.

It is finished and new life has begun. Amen.