Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

New Rockford-Sheyenne Public School District No. 2

Regular School Board Meeting Minutes - Monday, July 17th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

New Rockford-Sheyenne Public School

District No. 2

Regular School

Board Meeting

Monday, July 17th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

Members present: Mike Schaefer, Eric Perleberg, Todd Allmaras, Mary Kay Price, Patti Larson, Kyle Alfstad. Others present: Dr. Jill Louters, Superintendent; Dave Skogen, Business Manager.

Vice President Schaefer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of the Agenda

It was moved by Allmaras and seconded by Larson to approve the agenda with the change removing Item E-Approval of District Pupil Membership Report and moving Item G – Election of Officers to the end of the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

Approval of the June 22

Regular & June 19th, June 27th, and July 7th, 2023

Special Meeting Minutes

It was moved by Allmaras and seconded by Price to approve the minutes of the June 22nd regular & June 19th and June 27th special meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Allmaras and seconded by Price to approve the minutes of the July 7th special meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Approval of the Consent Agenda

It was moved by Price and seconded by Perleberg to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. The consent agenda consisted of the business manager report, and the bills - general fund of $74,825.03, and the activity fund of $4,666.70.

Monthly Committee Reports

There were no committee meetings this month.

Principals’ Reports

Elementary Principal Becker was not present tonight, her report was posted and viewed by the board.

Secondary Principal Baumbach was not present tonight, his report was posted and viewed by the board.

Superintendent Report

Superintendent Louters shared her report with the board. The CTE program application for Tech and Engineering was approved. This approval provides the district access to grant money that will reimburse the district for a portion of the Tech and Engineering program. Dr. Louters updated the board on the continued work to complete the ADA updates that are in progress throughout the building. Work in soliciting teaching candidates, conducting interviews and reference checks, and extending of contracts has continued through out the summer. Lastly, final preparations for the coming school year are underway. “Launch” a week long opportunity for new staff to get acquainted with their room assignments, curriculum, and meet returning staff is being planned. This will provide a great avenue for increased communication and team work to begin the year.

Teacher Report

There was no teacher to report this morning.

Student Report

There was no student to report this morning.

Gym Project

Gym Committee Member Tubby Bymoen spoke to the board to update them on the project and present a potential fund-raising opportunity. Tubby is working with the University of Jamestown’s Men’s basketball team on a potential practice or scrimmage to take place here at the schools gym.

Strategic Plan Update

Dr. Louters along with Board Members Larson and Allmaras shared with the board their experience with Dr. Jeff Schatz and the Strategic Planning team. The team met three times, and now a writing team will be formed to help write or update the District’s Strategic Plan.

Demographic Study Proposal

At the June meeting a proposal from Prime 46 for a demographic study was presented and tabled. Item was brought back for discussion again tonight. After discussion, it was determined a new study funded by the district would not provide enough new information, that is not already at the district’s disposal from a recent city study. At this time no motion was made, and this will not be pursued in the near future.

Written Findings Regarding Hearing on Termination for Cause of Matt Shaffer

It was moved by Allmaras and seconded by Perleberg to approve the written findings regarding the hearing on termination for cause of Matt Shaffer as presented. Motion carried with by majority vote.

Approval of Transportation Report for 2022-2023

It was moved by Price and seconded by Allmaras to approve the Transportation Report as presented. Motion carried unanimously. On an annual basis the district prepares a report listing all district used vehicles, and information pertaining to miles, and rides and time of each bus route the district oversees.

Election of Officers

for 2023-2024

It was moved by Allmaras and seconded by Price to approve the committees as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Renewal of NDSBA

Membership & Policy

Services for 2023-2024

It was moved by Allmaras and seconded by Larson to approve the NDSBA Membership and Policy Services for the 2023-2024 year. Motion carried unanimously. Membership offers support for the board throughout the year from the NDSBA.

Appointment of Title Program Representatives for

2023-2024 Year

It was moved by Price and seconded by Allmaras to appoint Dr. Louters as the Title program representative for the 2023-2024 year. Motion carried unanimously.

Appointment of

Representatives for East

Central for 2023-2024 Year.

It was moved by Perleberg and seconded by Alfstad to appoint Natalie Becker and Alyson Myhre as representative to East Central for the 2023-2024 year. Motion carried unanimously.

Appointment of Business Manager for the 2023-2024 Year

It was moved by Alfstad and seconded by Perleberg to appoint Dave Skogen as Business Manager for the 2023-2024 Year. Motion carried unanimously.

Designate Depositories for School District Funds for 2023-2024 Year

It was moved by Allmaras and seconded by Larson to approve Bank Forward and Community Credit Union as depositories for the 2023-2024 Year. Motion carried unanimously.

Designation of Official

Newspaper of District for 2023-2024 Year

It was moved by Larson and seconded by Alfstad to designate The Transcript as the official newspaper of the district for the 2023-2024 Year. Motion carried unanimously.

Approval of Food Service Prices for 2023-2024 Year

It was moved by Allmaras and seconded by Perleberg to approve the Food Service prices as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Prices will be as follows Breakfast – Student $2.85 – Adult -$3.40 – Lunch – Student $3.50 – Adult $4.60 – Seconds - $1.05

Pre School Fees

It was moved by Alfstad and seconded by Price to approve the Pre School Fees as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Monthly fee will be $60, with a reduced fee available for those who qualify at $13.

Approval of Policy

KAB Parental Involvement

for Title I

It was moved by Price and seconded by Perleberg to approve the updated Policy KAB. Motion carried unanimously. Only change to policy is the date, policy is reviewed and approved annually prior to being sent out to parents.

Review Pledge of Securities

It was moved by Allmaras and seconded by Larson to approve the review of the pledge of securities. Motion carried unanimously. On a quarterly basis information is provided from Bank Forward and the Bank of North Dakota showing how all NR-S funds above FDIC limits are indeed secured through a pledge pool.

Election of Officers

for 2023-2024 Year

Superintendent Louters called for nominations for school board president for 2023-2024 year. It was moved by Schaefer and seconded by Alfstad to nominate Todd Allmaras as President of the Board for 2023-2024. Motion carried unanimously.

It was moved by Alfstad and seconded by Larson to nominate Mike Schaefer as Vice President of the Board for 2023-2024. Motion carried unanimously.

Bank Signature Cards

It was moved by Larson and seconded by Alfstad to appoint Business Manager Dave Skogen, Board Members Todd Allmaras, Mary Kay Price, and Mike Schaefer and to remove Mike Jacobson from the signature card. Motion carried unanimously.

Preliminary Budget

It was moved by Schaefer and seconded by Perleberg to approve the preliminary budget as presented. Motion carried unanimously. BM Skogen shared with the board the preliminary budget for the 2023-2024 school year. Skogen updated the board on areas that will be changing in revenue and expense. Staffing looks to be nearly finalized, with allowances built in where needed. The budget will be a continued discussion until a final budget is approved prior to the October 10th deadline.


Next Regular Meeting: Monday, August 14th, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria.


The board meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.

General Fund:

Alan’s Furnace Service. 590.00

Badlands Enviro. Consultants 300.00

Carrington Health Center 50.00

Cash & Carry Lumber 1,020.20

Colepapers 2,923.84

Demco 3,127.53

Duchscherer Supply 127.66

East Central CFEC 1,100.00

Easy Grammer Sys 1,304.85

Edu Tech Education Technology Services 2,715.26

Fame 3D DBA Lulzbot 1,677.23

G & R Controls 5,876.00

Generation Genius 995.00

Gerrells Sports Center 1,489.00

Hager, Laura 243.29

Horace Man Co 515.42

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 12,998.09

Imagine Learning LLC 7,200.00

Insure Forward-NR 9,187.00

Leaf 798.18

Literacy Resources 99.00

McGraw-Hill School Education Holdings 6,014.42

MDU 224.93

ND Dept of Enviro. Quality 260.00

NR Utility Services 713.95

North Central Pest Control 150.00

Office of Admin. Hearings 58.50

Pace Fundraising 11,620.00

Platform Athletics 900.00

Purchase Power 249.87

Really Good Stuff 167.47

Renaissance Learning 4,993.65

Rochester 100 310.30

Sannes Sewing Machine. 872.50

School Specialty LLC 1,108.74

Time Management Sys 548.25

Transcript Publishing 268.10

USI Edu. and Govt. Sales 493.73

Verizon 166.36

WSI 2,784.57

Capital Projects:

Decker Equipment 2,637.25

Leben Masonary 9,800.00

Northern Lights Cons 1,000.00

Dave Skogen,

Business Manager

Todd Allmaras,


Published September 4, 2023