Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Marquee down: Update provided on local theatre's future

It was a bittersweet moment last week when the Rockford Theatre's marquee was removed and hauled away.

Hager Excavating completed the task on Monday, July 17 – another necessary step toward rebuilding the theatre after its roof collapsed last winter due to heavy snow load.

The 100-year-old theatre's iconic "Rockford" sign was removed on January 25, and this summer Hager Excavating began opening up the structure's back wall so they could remove the collapsed roof and rubble inside.

Once that was completed, the condition of what remained could finally be assessed.

According to Glenda Collier, Rockford Theatre's manager, significant water damage from snowmelt and rain has made much of the building impossible to salvage, and the inside of the theatre has already been stripped bare.

Collier was hoping at least some of the original theatre could be salvaged, namely the theatre's front-facing wall, but it appears even that may have to come down.

"I mean it's a hundred years old, so it's really hard to say how it's going to hang on," said Collier. "I really don't see saving much of the front, I think it's going to have to go."

There is still some hope that portions of the wall, perhaps the corners, might be structurally sound enough to survive, but at this point it's unclear how much of the front-facing wall, if any, can be salvaged.

Collier did reassure residents, however, that a new theatre will one day be constructed in its place.

When that day comes, the "Rockford" sign and marquee could be all that remains of the original Rockford Theatre, as both are salvageable and will be repaired before returning to their rightful places in downtown New Rockford.

Collier said the hope is to complete the theatre's demolition before snow falls this winter, and that some preliminary planning for the new theatre has already taken place.

They are exploring grants to help fund the new theatre's construction, and Collier said a big fundraiser is being planned for this fall for those interested in helping the theatre return to downtown New Rockford.

Thousands of dollars have already been raised for the theatre through GoFundMe and a benefit account at the Community Credit Union, as well as multiple fundraisers, such as the Lions Club sponsored brisket dinner that was held this past Fourth of July weekend.

Collier said the support from the community has been "overwhelming," and that she can feel just how strongly this community wants their theatre back.

"I have no doubts that we'll be able to rebuild, because this community will come together and we'll be able to do this," said Collier. "Everybody has been just wonderful with the support and they're all very anxious and waiting for a fundraiser for the theatre I feel."

The Transcript will continue to cover the theatre's progress as its demolition and reconstruction unfolds. Be sure to follow the Rockford Theatre's Facebook page for updates on future fundraising efforts.

Rendered 09/14/2024 23:20