Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Park District celebrates 100 years

This summer, the New Rockford Park District is celebrating a major milestone.

First declared its own entity on April 17, 1923, the park district has now brought summer fun to New Rockford's youth and community for 100 years.

And now, as this winter finally draws to a close, it's once again time to start thinking about summer activities. This year the park district has big plans for their 100th anniversary.

On Sunday, April 30, they're hosting a 100-year celebration at the All Veterans Park from noon to 2 p.m. Families are invited to stop by and enjoy a delicious meal as well as bouncy houses for the kids.

The event will also serve as a kickoff for this summer's activities, which include swim lessons and open swimming, as well as youth baseball and softball. Registration forms will be available at the celebration or at New Rockford City Hall.

But that's not all. This year the Park District is offering a couple of unique opportunities, including the return of personalized, engraved bricks for the swimming pool walkway.

"Right now we have about 150 spots available," said Dennis Nybo, Park District Director, "so we thought 'ya know what, people have been asking, let's try giving people an opportunity to engrave those.'"

For a $100 donation to the Park District – which would go towards updated facilities, programs, etc. – you can have a brick engraved to commemorate your support. Simply fill out the short form indicating what should be engraved on the brick and attach $100. Nybo said the bricks will be sold for the next couple of months, with plans to begin brick laying this fall.

Meanwhile, the Park District is offering new advertising opportunities in the form of 3-feet by 4-feet banners. The banners will go on the outfield fencing at Archie and Jessie Campbell Memorial Park (North Park) and Jim Johnson Legion Park (Legion ball park and football field).

The advertising space is open to any businesses or advertisers looking to promote their services at one or both locations. The proceeds will be used for making improvements to each location including the campground and the new practice football field.

Alongside forms for the brick engraving, a short packet of information with banner advertising rates and payment options will be available at the April 30 event and at New Rockford City Hall.

Nybo said the park district is also looking for summer recreation and park staff. Specifically the park district is looking for an assistant pool manager(s), lifeguards, parks/ball diamond maintenance workers, baseball/softball coaches and pool cashiers/baseball concession workers.

Nybo noted that this year's lifeguard certification and recertification will take place in New Rockford on June 9, 10 and 11. Therefore, those interested will no longer need to go out of town for their certification.

Summer job applications will also be available at the April 30 event or at New Rockford City Hall.

Though much of the spring has already been ruined by unwanted snowfall and persistent cold temperatures, Nybo is looking forward to an exciting summer.

Anyone with questions is encouraged to reach out to Nybo at (701) 302-8105. To keep up to date with this summer's activities, be sure to follow the New Rockford Park District on Facebook.

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