Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Talk of the Town: March 13, 2023

New Rockford and area folks express sympathy to the family of Cindy Bichler.

Friday, Eloise Lucht took Eddy County Transit to Devils Lake where she had an appointment at the eye clinic.

Shirley Packard feels like a new person since Tuesday, following a refreshing hair cut by Josolyn. Wednesday, Calvin took mom, Shirley, around New Rockford on shopping errands. Friday, nephew Todd Harrison was a helper at Shirley’s and Mary Gehrtz was a helper on Friday.

Sunday, Janet Laube and Yip Yip enjoyed a drive around town and a phone call from niece, Robin Westall, and grandson, Travis Laube, from Fargo.

Marvis Holte heard from her sister, Penny Sorrells, Sunday from Minneapolis. All is okay with Penny and family.

Eloise Lucht got the good news that son, Alan, and Julie are planning to visit mom and other family in North Dakota in May as a combined business and pleasure trip. Alan is a civil engineer who is currently living in Germany.

Sunday, Calvin Packard treated himself and mom, Shirley, to a yummy turkey supper, which so kindly was delivered from the First Lutheran Church as they served a spring meal.

From Feb. 19, 2023 until today, March 6, 2023, I have received 68 phone calls pertaining to Medicare benefits and/or healthcare. Calls have come from towns in N.D. I have written down the towns and phone numbers. Some were unavailable, no number, or wireless. There have been no duplicate numbers. I had three calls while typing my news this morning. What the world’s going on? Are they all scams? The needy scammer that called me a couple weeks ago called me back. Still needs $7,000 bail. I asked him where he was in jail. He said New Rockford. I gave “What for?” He hung up. Idiot. Be wary, don’t fall for such stuff. My phone is ringing again!

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