Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie News: Jan. 2, 2023

Margie Anderson joined other Anderson families for an early Christmas dinner Friday at the Gary and Kathy Anderson home.

Charlotte Koepplin received a phone call from Vicki Roemich and Eugene Weisenburger from Eugene’s home in Mojave, Ariz. Charlotte got the correct address for Eugene. She had sent him a Christmas card and it came back.

Wednesday morning brief stopper at the Charlotte Koepplin home was Aaron Koepplin.

Monday, Gary Anderson stopped in at mom, Margie Anderson’s, for a chat.

Charlotte Koepplin was among those who enjoyed Christmas dinner with family at the Todd and Karen Koepplin home despite the nasty weather.

Taylor Koepplin cleared snow from aunt Charlotte Koepplin’s driveway and yard on Monday afternoon. The piles are getting higher and higher.

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