Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Within Our Walls

CHI St. Alexius Health Carrington would like to introduce you to Dr. Brent Bruderer. Dr. Bruderer is a board certified general surgeon with over 30 years of experience. Dr. Bruderer provides surgical services in Carrington the second and fourth weeks of most months. He runs a surgical clinic on Wednesday, and performs surgical procedures on Thursday of those weeks. Procedures that Dr. Bruderer is able to perform in Carrington are as follows: Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal), Diagnostic Laparoscope, Hernia repair, Appendectomies, Carpal tunnel release, lesion/lipoma removals, port catheter placements, cyst aspiration, thyroid lobectomy, hemorrhoidectomy, and pilonidal cyst removal. He, along with Dr. Michael Page, also performs scope procedures such as colonoscopies, and esophagogastroduodenoscopies.

Dr. Bruderer receives patient referrals from our local providers, as well as outside providers. Patients wanting to schedule an appointment with Dr. Bruderer are asked to call 701-652-2515. Patients presenting for appointments will be seen in the clinic setting.

Any patient requiring a surgical procedure, will be assisted with prior authorization from their insurance company. We ask that our patients also reach out to their insurance company to verify coverage. Nursing staff will provide surgical instructions to ensure our patients are aware of any necessary prep procedures they need to do prior to presenting for their procedure. The surgical supervisor will call patients one to two days before their scheduled procedure to let them know what time to present to the hospital the day of surgery. The day of surgery, patients are asked to present to the admissions office (Door #1) to register, and then will be directed to the Same Day Surgery center. Patients are encouraged to bring someone with them to their procedure. Following most procedures, patients are not allowed to drive, and therefore will need someone to drive them home. Dr. Bruderer will visit with his patients prior to their scheduled procedure, and he will visit with them prior to discharge from our facility. Follow up appointments will be made prior to discharge as well.

If you or someone you know could benefit from Dr. Brent Bruderer's services, please let your primary provider know, or call 701-652-2515 to schedule an appointment.

We are excited to have Dr. Brent Bruderer on our medical staff at CHI St. Alexius Health Carrington to provide excellent care Within Our Walls to our community and the surrounding service area.