Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Oberon Oracles: July 25, 2022

Lester Roberts visited his brother, Roger, last Sunday.

Monday, Lester’s sisters, Jean Olson, Delores Stack, Marlene Miller and her son, Scott, all from Minot, Lester and Lezlee Thorson got together at the farm for a visit.

Lester kept medical appointments in Devils Lake on Tuesday and Friday.

Howard and Helen Schmid and their son, Joe, and his friend, Kari Leen of Fargo, enjoyed the DPRCA production, “Little Shop of Horrors” at the Old Church Theater in New Rockford on Saturday.

Doris Griffin received a call regarding the turkey tom we write about each week. The caller has turkey hens, but no tom.

The turkey is really not Doris’, but is a free spirit that just showed up one day. Doris doesn’t know where he goes at night. But some nights he must stay there or comes there very early in the morning.

Doris has 12 baby chicks following their mother around the barn. The mother keeps the chicks in the nest for about three days to teach them to know and follow her. The chicks can go those three days without eating or drinking as they use up the residual of the egg yolk during that time.

Nadley Buehler had brunch in Devils Lake with Sherry Boehmer on Wednesday.

Randy and Charlotte Simon visited Todd and Nadley Saturday afternoon.

Hunter, Grace and Hendrick Buehler and Beau, Bria, Brittin and Brooks Buehler had supper at the Todd and Nadley Buehler farm on Saturday.

Dave Kenner visited Todd on Sunday.

Carrie Prince, Laurie Hinderscheit, Tammy Romine and Linda Madson were Saturday afternoon guests of Melodie Madson at her home.

Lacey Grann and friend, Kami Guty from Knox, traveled to Stanley, N.D. on Wednesday. Lacey instructed students from that area on goat tying.

Ben Grann judged a Roughrider Rodeo in Antler, N.D. over the weekend.

John and Donna Grann went to Fargo on Saturday to take in the Red River Valley Fair.

Early American Toast: Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.