Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Talk of the Town: July 11, 2022

Calvin Packard and Kevin Johnson helped with yard work Monday and Tuesday at the Shirley Packard home. Thursday, Shirley treated herself to a uptown hair cut. Friday, Calvin took mom, Shirley, around town on necessary errands.

Thursday, daughter, Amanda Bickett, stopped in at mom and dad’s, Ken and Marvis Holte’s, for a visit, bringing treats for all.

Janet Laube and YipYip got 4th of July greeting phone calls from grandson, Travis Laube, and sister-in-law, Lois Ockert, and Jack, both from Fargo.

Candy Jensen joined other family at the Terry and Sandy Koepplin home for a banquet-style dinner on the 4th of July.

Sunday, Shirley Packard was among the many who enjoyed visiting at the Dockter family reunion at the Brown Memorial. All truly enjoyed the German music of Tessa and Jerrod Hartl, tub and all, and the many German foods.

Sunday, visitors at the Ken and Marvis Holte home were son, Loren, Amber and McKenzie of Bismarck. Loren grilled burgers and weinies in the early 4th of July celebration. Saturday, Loren and family drove to Devils Lake, where they treated his sister, Fayette Nelson, to supper in celebration of her birthday and also enjoyed some fireworks.

Many New Rockford and area folks and families enjoyed the many activities over the weekend in New Rockford and Sheyenne. Everything from dances, food, rodeo, parades to fireworks. Totally enjoyable weekend. All had a memorable 4th of July.

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