Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

District 14 GOP hold Lincoln Day dinner

Legislative District 14 Republicans held their annual Lincoln Day Dinner on February 27 at the Maddock Opera House.

A full capacity crowd of over 200 people were in attendance to enjoy a delicious meal catered by Harriman’s Restaurant. After the meal and after the line of people waiting to get in were registered, Chairman Bill Kuntz opened the business portion of the meeting.

Gwendolyn Rappuhn, the NE Region Chair of the Young Republicans and a representative, led the crowd in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. She then spoke briefly on the role of the Young Republicans to encourage younger people to be involved in the political process.

Chairman Kuntz spoke with an uplifting message of encouragement, sharing the “Three C’s” he considered most important in order to effect change in the environment the country is now in. Chairman Kuntz emphasized Christ as the most important starting point of change. Without faith and trust in Him, in individual lives, change in the political sphere will not happen. The second C mentioned was Constitution. Without adherence to the Constitution the rule of law will soon disappear and lawlessness will ensue. The final C was for a Conservative Republican Party. Without true conservative principles the Republican Party would become just like any other party. The Conservative principles Chairman Kuntz referred to are from the current N.D. Republican platform, which include: individual liberty, personal responsibility, limited government, peace through strength, the rule of law, lower taxes, right to bear arms, family integrity, the American moral tradition, quality education and legislative Integrity.

Jared Hendrix, District 38 chairman, spoke on the role and importance of delegates to the State Republican Party Convention. On average, one delegate is the voice for approximately three hundred people, so it carries a lot of power at this convention. Delegates will participate in determining the rules for the state party and adopt a platform that candidates choosing to run as Republicans should adhere to. They also endorse candidates for the primary election in June. He was then followed by keynote speaker, Lori Hinz. Hinz is a radio talk show host, co-host of “No Apologies” on BEK TV, and is the National Committeewoman Representative for N.D. to the National Republican Party. Lori spoke on the words and ideals that guide her in life. They are God first and most important, then family, country and party. Hinz then shared excerpts from a fellow committee member’s message that used scripture to enforce the idea that America was founded on godly principles and values, but has since regressed from them. She spoke of different eras in our history when the most noticeable changes took place, whether good or bad, touching on several presidents and their roles. She closed out her segment by leaving the crowd with the thought provoking statement that, “Every generation is called to defend freedom, and now is our time.”

The evening was then given over to state and national candidates, giving them the opportunity to introduce themselves and share thoughts and ideas on the office they’re seeking if they wished. Incumbent U.S. Senator John Hoeven was the first to speak as he desires to receive the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate again. He was followed by U.S. Congressman Kelly Armstrong, also seeking another term. N.D. State Representative Rick Becker seeking the nomination for U.S. Senate was next, followed by Doug Goehring, the current N.D. Agricultural Commissioner seeking nomination for another term. Bryan Kroshus, current appointed tax commissioner seeking his first elected term, spoke and Sheri Haugen-Hoffart, appointed Public Service Commissioner, was the last of the candidates that spoke.

The evening concluded with the choosing of delegates to the N.D. Republican Nominating Convention to be held on April 1-2 in Bismarck. District 14 is allowed 62 delegates, with the chairman and anyone in the district holding a statewide Republican Party executive committee position as automatic delegates. This left the registered voting members to choose the 60 remaining delegates out of a mind blowing 118 possibilities. After the voting was completed, the tallying began and 60 delegates secured their spot at the state convention. The meeting was then adjourned.

Over the podium was draped a flag with the motto ‘an appeal to heaven’ on it. Our first president, George Washington, commissioned this flag to be made with these words on it from philosopher John Locke. It is a reminder that when a body of people or an individual is deprived of their rights and have no appeal on earth, they still have liberty to appeal to heaven. This motto is as true today as it was back then, as attempts are made to deprive Americans of their rights. It is only to heaven to which we can appeal for help in securing and keeping these rights.

If you are concerned about the current situation in N.D. politics, are tired of the current status quo of the Republican Party, and feel your beliefs would align with the N.D. Republican Party platform listed above, check out the N.D. District 14 Republicans Facebook page or contact Chairman Bill Kuntz at (701) 542-3844 to become involved.

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