Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Eddy County 4-H Shooting Sports Club organizes for 2022 season

On Feb. 8, the 4-H shooting sports club had their first meeting. Jackson Brazil was elected president, Lora Wobbema was elected as the vice president, Chaztin Wobbema was elected as the treasurer, Charles Jorgenson was elected to be the secretary, and Oakley Brazil was elected as the reporter. We talked about what we might want to do in the near future. We decided that we are going to shoot trap and practice shooting skills with .22 rim fire on Mondays. We also talked about how we will need to do fundraising to help pay for the ammunition. We discussed other opportunities we might enjoy in the outdoors like hunting, camping, kayaking, and hiking. It was brought up about needing more adult volunteers and growing the club's members. We then decided that our meeting will be on every other Wednesday at 5 p.m. Our next meeting will be on February 23.