Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Dale and Diane Rosenberg were at the Charlotte Koepplin home Thursday afternoon tending to Circle Trail Riders’ business of the Family Party Saturday Feb. 4 at the Wonder Lanes in New Rockford.
Last Saturday Jimmy Indergaard was a visitor and supper guest at the Andy and Ruth Braaten home. This Saturday he was a dinner guest and visitor at the Dennis and Fran Walen home where he enjoyed a visit with niece Angie Walen. Following supper Sunday at the Braaten home all took in a movie at the theatre.
Margie Anderson enjoyed a phone call with Helen Emery Sunday. All is going well with Helen at her Grand Forks home.
Charlotte Koepplin called nephew Aaron Koepplin Saturday and wished him a happy 48th birthday. Sunday morning nephew Todd Koepplin did some snow pushing at Charlotte’s.
Saturday son Gary Anderson and grandson Jakoby Hager were visitors at the Margie Anderson home.
Cory and Katie Jorgensen and family, and Dale and Diane Rosenberg and family were among the many to enjoy the annual Family Party of the Circle Trail Riders Inc. Friday evening at Wonder Lanes Bowling alley in New Rockford.