Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Back to School: Kinder Squad welcomed to NR-S

Two classrooms of kindergarten students entered the hallways of NR-S for the first time Tuesday, Aug. 24.

Pictured, from left to right-bottom row: Eden Weisenburger, Logan Cleveland, Weston Myhre, Rylen Heskin, Rowyreve Hucke, Evelyn Rodriguez, Kylie Grossman, Vera Meadows; second row: Isaac Lange, Madi Schmaltz, Fallyn Hegland, Theo Saucier, Lily Wiedmeier, Mary Olson; third row: Bradleigh Weber, Gavin Rieger, Kaycee Estenson, Zeke Reisenauer, Owen Lies, Emmett Guler, Noah Alderman; fourth row: Parker Zieman, Asher Allmaras, Landon Lund, Allie Weber, TJ Dauenhauer, Aubree Ystaas, Arabelle Johnson; back row: teacher Tasha Skogen, Joseph Riggle, Teddy Smith, Gage Weiss, Alaric Boelke, Mia Alcala, Christopher Buck and teacher Kendall Myers. Meet the four new teachers at NR-S, including Myers, on page A7.