Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Archival Anecdotes: Friendships thrived among Eddy County's early settlers

It is all too easy to look back in history and create images of superhumans who were far stronger and wiser than people of today.

We often talk of the hardships they endured; bitter cold, disease and isolation, furthering the image that the early settlers had no option but to grit their teeth and push forward in the face of adversity.

Part of today's social narrative builds upon the notion that people long ago had no choice but to cooperate in order to survive.

But we fail to imagine that these people also needed time to laugh, play and have a good time around other people.

People more than a century ago certainly told jokes and encountered an embarrassing moment or two. They shared their woes and aspirations, and helped each other in difficult times.

Acquaintances made for daily pleasantries. Friendships made for good coping mechanisms and shared interests helped to build bonds. Close friends could forge connections that lasted a lifetime.

Why not invite a friend to the Eddy County Museum? The museum is open Sundays from 1-4 p.m. through Labor Day.