Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Thoughts can become action

A few New Rockford residents have inquired about the United State Flag that is being flown with blue field down in my yard. In article 4 of the U.S. Flag code this action is recognized as an international symbol of distress.

I chose to take this action on 12 Nov 2020 as a result of thoughts of self harm that arose following the election on 4 Nov. I have not had these thoughts since 2010. The stem of this problem was my realization America is now headed to a full Socialism form of government.

Let me explain: per Engles, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Saul Alinsky and many others, state Socialism combines political governance and economic policies as one system. For socialism to exist it takes three components, which include the government ownership and control of education, medical care and production. Production means mainly energy and agriculture. When President Carter signed the Education Act that established the position of Secretary of Education, the first block of the components of Socialism was checked off.

When Biden signs America back into the Paris Climate accord restricting development and use of diesel engines by 2040, American farmers will be completely dependent on the government. This is block two.

With the Paris Climate accord and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s New Green Deal, solar and wind energy will be fully in government control.

Medicare for all by Biden is likely, and with Congress in Democrat control this will pass. Check block three.

Why is this so troubling? Since 1919 when America sent soldiers to fight against the Bolsheviks on the side of the White Russians and the Czar government, America has been at war with socialism, communism and even Nazism. The common ground being all these systems require the same three components listed above.

My trouble resided with a simple act of self harm as a Buddhist Monk enacted in Saigon in the 1960’s to protest the intolerant South Vietnamanese government. This monk burnt himself alive.

My conflict rests with the fact that many people I have talked to do not know what Socialism is nor do they want it. Inner conflict also arose in the oath I took during my service in the U.S. Air Force to defend the U.S. Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic. The constitution states clearly America is a Republic. Per Webster’s Dictionary, a Republic is a government elected by individuals. Under communism and socialism no one is an individual. The society is a collective.

I am confused with the fact that many of Biden’s supporters are fellow veterans. Quite a few served in Vietnam and a few served in Korea; both conflicts were fought against socialism and communism. How can one fight against something and now by connection with Biden, support it?

Seeing I was troubled, a few friends took note and asked me to get guidance. Through the VA, I have been in telephone communications with a person who helped me sort a few things out. On the fact that I hold anger towards anyone who supported Biden, I learned I took offense due to the fact that my father fought in Korea and several uncles fought in Vietnam. Support for Biden is support for socialism. See the 3 points above. This support seems to mean that Biden voters are saying the fight was useless and those who died, bled and served did so for naught.

Another point of awareness was the 20 years of military service. I relied on clear guidance in the form of regulations and clear orders given by superiors. There is very little of that outside the military.

My conflict furthered, I do not want to hate my family or friends. I oppose violence towards others. So what to do? Advice was given, this letter is part of that advice. It is a way to express my frustration to my friends and family, and to find a healthy way to confront this socialism overtake of the U.S. By the way, Kruschev stated in a tantrum in the U.N. Russia or Socialism would overthrow the U.S. without firing a shot and using our own rules against us.

A healthy recourse is to continue the peaceful fight against socialism.

Please note: My U.S. Flag will continue to fly upside down until Socialism is no longer a threat to our republic.

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