Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Sermonette: Love

1 Peter 4:8

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”

These last few weeks... no, months, have made 2020 one for the history books. Not only do we have a virus that has almost shut our country down, now riots have hit the streets and people are loudly protesting the injustices in our world.

I’ve watched the news and scrolled social media, all the while wondering what can ​I d​o to help. How can I make an impact in our world when it seems to be spinning too fast around me?

Last week I wrote about prayer and how our prayers are much more powerful than we know. Prayer ​does work​. This week I want to talk about love.

I read 1 Peter 4:8 the other day and it got me thinking-- what would our world look like if we loved first? In another translation it says:

“Above all, constantly echo G​od’s ​intense love for one another, for love will be a canopy over a multitude of sins.”

Love. Not the type of love we talk about when we say “we love tacos.”

No, echoing God’s love. The type of love that would lay down their lives for one another and sacrifice themselves. This type of love isn’t passive or dependent on how someone treats you. It is a love that chooses to love no matter what.

So ask yourself the question, “What would it look like to love – really love – the people around me?”

If, before a word came out of your mouth or you had any type of reaction, you chose to love first in every situation.

When your spouse says something insensitive or you have a disagreement with someone at work, rather than reacting based on emotions -- what if you chose to love? What if you chose to talk calmly and see the good in people before getting angry and yelling or getting frustrated and walking away?  

How different would our families, relationships, our country, and even our world look?

So that is my challenge to myself and to you this week: to echo God’s love. Love those around you. Continue to pray and ask God to move in your life, but also ask him to show you how to love those around you. If you ask, he will show you what that looks like. But maybe just start your day off with a simple prayer: “God, show me how to love those around me better today.”