Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Archival Anecdotes: The Coffee Crew

Every small town cafe seems to have a group of coffee drinkers who enjoy sitting down each morning and sharing the latest. Even at the Rockford Cafe, you are likely to see such an event unfolding, especially now that the cafe has reopened after months of coronavirus restrictions.

The faces at the Rockford Cafe may have changed over the years, but you can rest assured that the local coffee club is alive and well.

Pictured above is the 1951 coffee club at Rockford Cafe. Starting at the left from the front are Henry Wilson, Truman Knott and Ralph Knott. At the end of the table is Harry Stewart, who entertained at the Brown Memorial Auditorium the night before as Yogi Yorgensson- a comically exaggerated Swedish American. At the right side of the table, starting in back are Cecile Thompson, "Goodrich" and Albert Haas.

While you've got coffee on the mind, be sure to remember that The Transcript office carries Eddy County themed Historically Great Coffee, the proceeds of which benefit the Eddy County Museum.