Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

We are in this together

As we find it hard to practice “no close contact” with family, friends and the gen- eral public, we - or I know -it’s hard to concentrate on much else, but this threatening virus. It is very real and a big concern. Morning, noon and night we hear about it from TV, radio, internet and it’s the main topic of phone conversations and texting. It has taken over the usual topic of the weather. I wish we could just wait a minute and things would change. Myself, I try not to dwell on it, but how hard is that? It’s like a nagging toothache that’s not going away too soon.

Now with the COVID-19 all over the world and close to our neck of the woods, it is hard to keep from thinking about it too much. I seem to have found some undone– “I’ll do it tomorrow” things getting done. I got caught up on my photo albums— yes some people still do that. I straightened out the shelves in my pantry. Gee, they look neat now. I’ve written letters to family and friends, and yes, some still do that too.

My “could and should do“ list seems to get longer instead of shorter. Keeping occupied doesn’t always mean work. My list goes on: I have several jig-saw puzzles that are begging to come to life, I can and probably will bake a Johnny Cake, vacuum more often, I might even dust. I can smile and wave back at the neighbors and passersby, keep the birds fed. Oh my, the “could do” list has no end.

So, as we do think and converse about this COVID-19 thing that seems to have taken over our world, let’s be safe, stay in and away from crowds as much as possible. Although that doesn’t sound like much fun, we have to hang in there.

Pray, pray and keep praying. God is listening. He hears our pleas. We must believe there will be an answer soon.

So stay in. You can find plenty to do to keep yourself out of mischief. Take care if you must be out and about and be patient and good to one another. We can do this, we are all in this together.

Here, I’d like to say thank you to the NR-S kindergar- ten class that left the window hearts in my mailbox. I have put them among other hearts on my front door window. What an awesome gesture to remind us we are in this and doing this together. We can do this!