Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Talk of the Town - June 10, 2019

New Rockford and area folks extend sympathy to the family of lda Tedrow.

Last Tuesday afternoon visitors and supper guests at the Martin and Janelle Koepplin home were Allyssa Koepplin and Kenna. Charlotte Koepplin joined all for a yummy beef roast supper and visiting.

A passel of family and friends took Bruce and Colleen Hagen 40th wedding anniversary greetings Saturday evening at the Eagles Club in New Rockford.

Bill and Diana Ziegler, Duff and Sandy Settelmeyer, Joey and Suzie Wobbema, Martin and Janelle Koepplin, and Nate Rue were among those who took in the Circle Trail Riders Inc. annual raffle Saturday evening at Hanson's Bar. The ten o’clock hour found the winners to be, John Stangeland of Juanita the quilt, Chuck Fine of Bismarck via Sheyenne the rifle and Gail Dodds via Scott Ries the saddle.

Tuesday visitors and coffee guests at the Ken and Marvis Holte home were Holly Zieman and Amanda Bickett. Wednesday the Holtes and Amanda made a trip to Prairie Home Cemetery to pick up their flowers and do errands.

Since Lillian Gedrose has been home from her winter with family in Texas, she is

enjoying her new home at Heritage House in New Rockford where her children and family helped her move.