Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie News - Dec. 3, 2018

Jimmy Indergaard was a visitor and supper guest at the Andy and Ruth Braaten home last Saturday.

Ervin Longnecker enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with Eric and Lisa Longnecker, Riley, Tucker and Cassie at the Larry and Nancy Arndt home.

Margie Anderson was among those who took 80th birthday greetings to Marilyn Gedrose Saturday, as she was honored with an open house at First Lutheran Church in New Rockford.

Sunday visitors at the Esther Indergaard home were Taylor and Amanda Koepplin. Supper guests and visitors were Tim Indergaard and Ruth Braaten.

Ed Weisenburger enjoyed Thanksgiving in Billings, Mont., with his sister Nancy and Richard Huber.

Charlotte Koepplin was in New Rockford Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on business and pleasure.

Esther Indergaard, Sharon Laxdal, Andy and Ruth Braaten, Tim and Bobbi Jo Indergaard and Jimmy Indergaard were Thanksgiving guests at the Dennis and Fran Walen farm.

Charlotte Koepplin was treated to the Thanksgiving buffet dinner at Spirit Lake Casino by Martin and Janelle Koepplin. Later all were supper guests at nephew and son Aaron and Danielle’s home in Carrington.

Thanksgiving, Margie Anderson joined other family in sharing dinner at the David and Karen Anderson home in New Rockford.

Merle and Sandy Longnecker enjoyed turkey day with daughter Kim and Mike Vannett and girls in Fargo.

Saturday visitors at the Margie Anderson home were Patti Larson and Joanna and Patti's sister in law Judy LaBonne who was visiting from Minneapolis.

Saturday Charlotte Koepplin was a helper of sorts as Todd and Karen Koepplin and Taylor and Amanda Koepplin processed, wrapped and ground pork and deer and made some mighty tasty sausage. They took a break to enjoy a buffet of food for dinner prepared by Karen.

Bobbi Jo Indergaard drove Esther Indergaard to Jamestown Saturday for her dialysis appointment. Later the gals did some shopping and enjoyed supper out before returning home.

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