Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Sermonette - June 25, 2018

Rust out or wear out?

The journey of life is amazing. As children we can’t wait to grow up. And teenagers can’t wait to finish school and become more independent. In our twenties, we try to discern what career will be best. In our thirties, we struggle to balance family, home and work. In our forties, some face the empty nest and find new activities with our free time. In our fifties, we make a final effort to prepare for retirement. After retirement there is the adjustment to personal freedom, and often health challenges.

Every age is full of changes and adjustments. Ultimately, one day there is a choice to make: rust out or wear out. In other words, stagnate or keep moving. In my chaplaincy work, I am repeatedly asked this question; “Why am I still living?” I say, look to God. To ask God what special thing God wants them to do. They wait, and waiting can be frustrating when it doesn’t match their plans. Somehow we like to think that we are in charge of our lives. We learn at an early age how to take care of ourselves, and we make many personal decisions in our lives. So we think we are in control, but we are wrong. God is in charge of everything. Everything!

Every aspect of our lives is impacted by our relationship with God. Our faith life should grow and change with accumulating years. Spending time knowing God is a wise approach to life. The more you know God, the easier it is to grow in faith and show God’s love in how you live your life. Serving God and others is a huge part of our faith walk. No matter what our age we can serve God and help others. There is no excuse to rust out in faith. However, there is every opportunity to wear out in faith because our rewards are in eternity.