Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Articles from the August 30, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 32

  • Back to School: Kinder Squad welcomed to NR-S

    Aug 30, 2021

    Two classrooms of kindergarten students entered the hallways of NR-S for the first time Tuesday, Aug. 24. Pictured, from left to right-bottom row: Eden Weisenburger, Logan Cleveland, Weston Myhre, Rylen Heskin, Rowyreve Hucke, Evelyn Rodriguez, Kylie Grossman, Vera Meadows; second row: Isaac Lange, Madi Schmaltz, Fallyn Hegland, Theo Saucier, Lily Wiedmeier, Mary Olson; third row: Bradleigh Weber, Gavin Rieger, Kaycee Estenson, Zeke Reisenauer, Owen Lies, Emmett Guler, Noah Alderman; fourth...

  • Klemetsrud questions competitive bidding process at NR-S

    Amy Wobbema|Aug 30, 2021

    Jeff Klemetsrud of Klemetsrud Plumbing and Heating told the Transcript that he wants to “set the record straight” about the competitive bidding process for the school boilers at NR-S. The Transcript reported in its Aug. 16 edition that the NR-S school board awarded the bid to replace the school’s aging boilers to Minot Plumbing and Heating, even though their bid was $14,313 more than Klemetsrud’s. The reason given at the Monday, Aug. 9 meeting, as the reporter who covered the meeting underst...

  • As school begins, state sees uptick in coronavirus cases and Pfizer vaccine is approved by FDA

    Amy Wobbema|Aug 30, 2021

    The first day of school looked vastly different last year. Masks were required at NR-S, students received daily screenings upon entry, and class sizes were reduced to minimize spread of the novel coronavirus. Secondary students entered school through a different door than the elementary students. On Tuesday, Aug. 24, students went back to school with mostly pre-pandemic protocols, as only one active case of COVID-19 had been reported in Eddy County since June 1. Elsewhere in the state, however,...

  • "Man of all trades" recognized by Chamber

    Amy Wobbema|Aug 30, 2021

    Not many people can say they've done the same work for 56 years, with no signs of slowing down. The Chamber's Employee of the Month for August, Kevin Johnson, has been in the landscaping and snow removal business since he was a young boy. He worked with his dad and two brothers growing up, and his twin brother Kim continues to help during snow season. It all started with helping neighbors, then more customers asked about his services. He chalks his success up to one thing: "I've always had a pro...

  • More than 1,000 take in Sheyenne Stampede

    Nathan Price|Aug 30, 2021

    On Aug. 21, hundreds of rodeo enthusiasts and concert goers flocked to Sheyenne, N.D. to attend the inaugural Sheyenne Stampede sponsored by Bessette Motors. Attendees enjoyed a full day of activities ranging from barrel racing to the long-awaited concert by platinum country music band, BlackHawk. The day began with High-Stakes Barrel Racing at 10 a.m., where contenders could enter with their horse to race for $1,000. Taking the first-place belt buckle was Korrey Tweed of Pekin, N.D., a former...

  • Eddy County State's Attorney appeals $120,000 NSF check decision to N.D. Supreme Court

    Amy Wobbema|Aug 30, 2021

    After winning an appeal to the N.D. Supreme Court regarding a $120,000 NSF check case, Eddy County State’s Attorney Ashley Lies watched the defendant walk away with a slap on the wrist. The origin of the case goes back nearly four years. On October 31, 2017, Orin Gedrose delivered a check for $120,000 to Peterson Law Offices, P.C. of New Rockford, payable to Peterson Trust Account, for earnest money towards a parcel of land for which he had signed an agreement to purchase. The check was r...

  • Ritzke retires

    Aug 30, 2021

    The New Rockford City Commission held a farewell party for Auditor George Ritzke on Monday, Aug. 23. Ritzke has served the City of New Rockford for 27 years, and is looking forward to fishing and hunting in his retirement. Attendees enjoyed cupcakes and beverages at the informal gathering. In the photo at left, Ritzke is pictured (center) with his wife Nancy to his right, and city commissioners (from left) Jim Belquist, Stu Richter and Kelly McKnight (far right). Ritzke's last day with the city...

  • Eagles Club contributes to Eddy Co. Museum

    Aug 30, 2021

    The New Rockford Eagles Club recently made a $10,000 donation to the Eddy County Museum to assist them in continuing improvements to the outside of their facilities. This donation was made possible by charitable gaming at the New Rockford Eagles Club and Buck-It's Bar in New Rockford. Pictured at right is Bank Forward's Josh Guler handing a check to Eddy County Museum & Historical Society president Merita Aldayel. The funds will be used to paint the historic Brantford Depot and the Stavanger...

  • Pleasant Prairie: August 30, 2021

    Charlotte Koepplin|Aug 30, 2021

    Thursday found Jimmy Indergaard a visitor and supper guest at Andy and Ruth Braaten’s home, where he visited with niece Nikki. Sunday, he had a nice phone call with his sister Sharon Laxdal. Charlotte Koepplin drove to Carrington Friday afternoon on necessary church business. Margie Anderson enjoyed a phone call from Pastor Dale and Helen Emery from Grand Forks on Sunday. The Emery’s are doing fine. Saturday afternoon, brief visitors to the Charlotte Koepplin home were Janet Laube and YipYip. Brief stoppers at the Charlotte Koepplin home on...

  • Talk of the Town: August 30, 2021

    Charlotte Koepplin|Aug 30, 2021

    Bill Womacks of Virginia Beach, Va., son of the late Slim and Ida Womacks, who was born and raised in New Rockford, N.D., had a note hand delivered to be put in the Transcript as part of Talk of the Town. As you can see, on August 7, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Thompson of Fargo were on vacation in North Carolina and Virginia. Mrs. Thompson is the granddaughter of the late Lilly (Christ) Hartl. With Shannon and her husband, Ron, were their son and daughter, and a friend’s daughter, who are botanists and work at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Plantation. A...

  • Oberon Oracles: August 30, 2021

    Linda Madson|Aug 30, 2021

    Lester Roberts was in New Rockford on business on Thursday. Lester enjoyed some social time in Sheyenne on Saturday. Chad Getscher was Lester’s Sunday visitor. Monday, Charlotte Simon and eight other members of the Association of Carefree Teachers went to Nome, N.D., with several stops along the way. They toured the renovated schoolhouse called Shephard Industries-Fiber Arts. They produce yarn made from sheep, llama and alpaca wool, and sell it. The teachers were served lunch and then toured the school. There are 11 sleeping rooms, a center f...

  • Sponsors sought for Backpack Program at food pantry

    Aug 30, 2021

    The Hunger Free Food Pantry is once again looking for donors to sponsor a child for the 2021-22 school year. The cost is $5 a week per child, so $95 for half a year or $190 for the full school year. Last year they served 13 children each week. The kids take home a backpack of food on Fridays, and it provides them with light meals and snacks to supplement their meals over the weekend. A few years ago as further outreach to hungry children, the Hunger Free Food Pantry started a ‘second helpings’ program. This fund pays for kids in the free and...

  • Letter to the Editor: August 30, 2021

    Eddy County Ministerial Association|Aug 30, 2021

    Dear Editor, As religious leaders in the New Rockford and Sheyenne communities, we recognize and appreciate what a great place this is to raise children. Our small-town culture helps our kids succeed and grow into engaged, resilient, well-rounded adults. A key element of this culture is our shared value of, and commitment to, family, faith and community. A large indication of that commitment is guarding Wednesdays after school and Sundays as “church time.” Research shows that young people who are engaged in youth programs and faith com...

  • Have you thanked a school bus driver lately?

    Danny Tyree|Aug 30, 2021

    According to CNN, pandemic fears and enhanced unemployment benefits have left the nation facing a serious shortage of qualified school bus drivers. The problem is acute, despite districts implementing recruitment campaigns, offering sign-up bonuses, and even fudging on the standards. ("Question one. Fill in the blank: The wheels on the bus go round and..." "Wait, wait. Don't tell me. I got this. Round and ... covered with sprinkles!") I hope the shortage will make society stop taking bus...

  • We the People: American withdrawal from Afghanistan and the War Clause

    David Adler|Aug 30, 2021

    How many more Americans would have to die before the United States made the inevitable decision to withdraw from war in Afghanistan, after 20 years of war, at the cost of more than $2 trillion, and the loss of 2,500 lives? That was the illuminating question that guided President Joe Biden’s decision to pull U.S. troops out of “the graveyard of empires.” Indeed, how many more? The decision to withdraw was inevitable, as every president ensnared by the war — Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden — knew painfully well. The putative Afghan governmen...

  • Obituary: John Broten

    Aug 30, 2021

    John Tilford Broten, 85, of Bremen, N.D., died Tuesday, August 17, 2021, at Ave Maria Village, Jamestown, N.D. Funeral service was held on Monday, August 23 at Grandfield Lutheran Church, rural Sheyenne, N.D. Burial was at the Eden Lutheran Cemetery, rural Sheyenne, N.D. Pastor Jeff Halvorson officiated the service with special music by Mary Ellen Rue. Casket bearers were Bob Hanson, Darrell Anderson, Gary Kolsrud, Arnold Johnson, Keith Rost, Gary Westby and Lorren Jordre. Honorary pallbearers...

  • Obituary: Charlene Christianson

    Aug 30, 2021

    Charlene Christianson, 59, of Carrington, N.D., passed away on Saturday, August 21, 2021, at CHI St. Alexius Health in Devils Lake, N.D. Mass of Christian burial was held Friday, August 27, 2021, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Carrington. Burial was at the Carrington Cemetery. Father Terry Dodge officiated with special music by the Sacred Heart Choir. Casket bearers were Mike Monson, Quentin Bradley, Austin Monson, Nick Bradley, Mitch Page, Jason Scheidt, Steve Gendreau and Andy Gendreau....

  • Obituary: Chelton Turpela

    Aug 30, 2021

    Chelton James Turpela, 29, passed away on August 22, 2021 at Sanford Hospital in Fargo N.D. after a brief battle with an infection. Funeral service was held on Saturday, August 28, 2021 at Evans Funeral Home, Carrington, N.D., with Rev. Keith Hurlbut officiating. Casket bearers were Fred Roybal, Eric Turpela, Dakota Silva, Rob Paulson and David Gomez. Honorary bearers were all of Chelton's family and close friends. Chelton was born April 15, 1992 in the city of Delta, Colo. He was the only son...

  • Sermonette: August 30, 2021

    Pr. Jeff Halvorson|Aug 30, 2021

    Greetings dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Beginnings. Something new, or perhaps returning to something, to again begin anew… a new city, new job, new school, or a new baby in the house. Even in rural communities such as ours, where things never seem to change, there is usually something new. Of course the biggest thing that is new now is that once again, we are saying good bye to summer vacation and school has started. For some, it truly is a new beginning. The kindergarten children, the first graders, and perhaps the freshmen are all e...

  • Archival Anecdotes: Seasons change

    Rachel Brazil|Aug 30, 2021

    Once upon a time, before the craze of all things pumpkin spice, apples were the food that signaled a welcome change from the hot summer days to crisp autumn evenings. People embraced the crisp autumn air and joyfully collected apples - much like the women in the photograph. There are some 2,500 varieties of apples growing in the United States, whether cultivated or in the wild. Cultivated varieties can still be found growing in tree rows and front yards. The wild, less predictable varieties are...

  • History of New Rockford: August 30, 2021

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Aug 30, 2021

    From the evening of May 16, 1904, to the next morning, Dr. G.D. Murphy and R.R. Woodward were in Fessenden on business. On May 16 to 18, Sheriff J.E. Bennett was in Fargo. On May 17 to 18, Arthur Larkin was in Fargo. On the morning of May 17, Mary, the two-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCrackin, died of brain fever. Mrs. M.A. Garry came down from Knox to help the local WCTU. Miss Gussie Bray arrived from Newark, N.J., to visit her sister Mrs. Frederick Skidmore, at Tiffany. Lawrence Bu...

  • Savvy Senior: How to handle your Medicare coverage if you move

    Jim Miller|Aug 30, 2021

    Dear Savvy Senior, My husband and I are moving to a different area of the country to be near our daughter. Will this affect our Medicare benefits? Will we need to adjust our coverage or re-enroll in a new plan? Moving Away Dear Moving, Moving can indeed affect your Medicare benefits depending on the type of coverage you have and where you move to. If you and your husband are enrolled in “original Medicare” Part A and Part B, you’ll be happy to know that you won’t need to change your plans w...

  • Tree Talk: Ornamental trees for small spaces

    Gerri Makay|Aug 30, 2021

    Trees can be used to beautify even small spaces. Here are some trees that will work for narrow boulevards, near structures, or beneath power lines. Flowering crabapple trees are among the most widely planted ornamental tree species and many types thrive in North Dakota. ‘Spring Snow’ offers a spring display of white flowers that are sterile, so no fruit is produced. Some crabs produce small fruit that hangs on the tree through the winter (“persistent” fruit), providing a food source for birds and adding color to the winter landscape – try t...

  • Cougars claw past Rockets in season opener

    Nathan Price|Aug 30, 2021

    On a soaking wet field in Rolette, N.D., the New Rockford-Sheyenne Rockets (0-1, 0-0), kicked off their season bogged down in the mud, falling to the North Prairie Cougars (1-0, 0-0), by a score of 16-6. With the wind howling and rain pouring, whichever team could dominate the run game would have the best chance of winning. Unfortunately for the Rockets, that meant advantage Cougars as their ground attack routinely left Rockets defenders in the mud. "We saw at halftime that our linebackers just...

  • Four new teachers at New Rockford-Sheyenne Public School

    Nathan Price|Aug 30, 2021

    The kids are finally back to school, and a few new faces were there to greet them when classes began on Tuesday. Matt Shaffer, Jake Bilden, Julie Westrick and Kendall Myers got to meet their first students at the New Rockford-Sheyenne Public School during back-to-school night on Tuesday, and each expressed their excitement for the coming school year. Julie Westrick, a recent graduate of Valley City State University, will be teaching history to middle schoolers this year. Westrick worked in the...

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